Welcome to your new profile!

Let’s go through all the features of your profile and what you can do. Please note this is NOT a social media platform. Your profile is designed to show you the information you’ve submitted to SOFT as well as being an easy way to find your member number and keep your contact information up to date. You can use your profile to connect with other members and medical professionals, who choose to be visible. Member profiles are ONLY accessible by other SOFT members, never the public.

So, let’s get started!

The Profile

Welcome to Your Profile

When you log in you’ll see your personal profile page. This page contains some information you’ve sent to SOFT. The information labeled with the   (eye icon) is only visible to you, the profile owner, and SOFT administrators.

These fields are visible to other members:

  • Country
  • State
  • Social Media Links (if listed)
  • Child’s First Name
  • Child’s Gender
  • Child’s Diagnosis
  • Child’s Year of Birth

Your page has a profile photo with your name and any links to facebook, instagram, twitter, or youtube listed below it. Also listed are your child’s name (if applicable), your state, and country. In the header of your page is a place for a short bio. This is a great place to introduce yourself or tell other members a little bit about your child.

Editing Your Profile

To edit your profile or upload a new profile picture follow these steps

Step1: Click the gear icon

Step 2: Select ‘Edit Profile’

Step 3: Upload Your Picture

Step 4: Save!

Just click the checkmark to save your changes.

Managing Your Account

In order to have your profile seen in the member directory you must do the following steps. SOFT values your privacy so by default your account is hidden from the directory.

Step 1: Go to your Account

Click the gear icon and select ‘My Account’

Step 2: Edit Your Settings

In order to be found in the member directory you must make yourself visible to the community. To do so, click the Privacy tab and set it to ‘No’. Then, click Update Privacy. This setting allows your profile to be found in the member directory.

Other Features

To the left of the logged in area you will see quick links to report a surgery, see you past surgery reports, submit a story, and view the member directory.