Join us for the Trisomy Awareness Month video blast!

The Trisomy Awareness Month video blast is coming and we hope you will join us. We are going to blast social media with short 60 second videos to inform and educate people about our SOFT kids and their various Trisomy conditions. We invite all of our SOFT families to participate where ever you are in the Journey: Expecting your child, Raising your child or Remembering and missing your child. Use this form to submit your videos.

These short videos will be shared across various social media platforms with the intention of raising awareness of trisomy. Social Media platforms we’ll be blasting to include TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. It is not necessary for you to have an account on each of these platforms as they will be shared from the SOFT account. You just need to record the video, submit the video and agree to the video release below.

Trisomy Awareness Month Video Blast videos must follow these guidelines:

1. Videos must be 60 seconds or less.
2. Videos can be informative, educational or simply entertaining.
3. You are welcome to include your SOFT child and/or their sibs.
4. Be creative and authentic. Let your personality come through.
5. No profanity. (this goes without saying but there, we said it anyway!)

Suggested topics: Trisomy Tips, Life with your SOFT child, experiences from your journey, prenatal moments, newborn months, therapy, making memories, getting through anniversaries, keeping memories alive. You can involve your other kids and encourage them to do a video about or with their sister/brother with trisomy. Be creative and have fun!

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