SOFT Member Spotlight – Barb VanHerreweghe
A Lifetime of Advocacy and Love: Barb VanHerreweghe and Stacy’s Trisomy 18 JourneyIntroduction When Barb VanHerreweghe learned that her daughter, Stacy Lynn VanHerreweghe, had Full Trisomy 18, she was thrust into a world she had never heard of before. With no internet...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Angela Salazar-Beaugez
More Than a Diagnosis: Angela Salazar-Beaugez and Bella’s Journey with Trisomy 18Introduction When parents receive a trisomy diagnosis, the world often feels like it’s falling apart. For Angela Salazar-Beaugez, learning that her daughter Bella had Full Trisomy 18 was...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Gina Csontos
From Fear to Family: Gina Csontos and Mark's Trisomy 13 JourneyIntroduction Receiving a diagnosis of a chromosomal condition can turn a parent's world upside down. For Gina Csontos, the news that her son Mark had Partial Trisomy 13 was not just a medical revelation—it...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Susanne Josiah
Embracing the Unexpected: Susanne Josiah and Josiah Bishop’s Trisomy Journey Introduction Life often presents unexpected challenges, and for Susanne Josiah, learning that her son, Josiah Bishop, had Mosaic Trisomy 18 was one such moment. The diagnosis came with fear,...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Cathy Shelander
A Journey of Love and Adoption: Cathy Shelander and Annabel’s Story Introduction Parenting is a journey filled with unexpected turns, but for Cathy Shelander, the path was even more unique. Unlike many trisomy parents who first receive a diagnosis during pregnancy,...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Melinda Snellbaker
A Journey of Love and Advocacy: The Story of Melinda Snellbaker and Waylon Introduction For many parents, receiving an unexpected diagnosis for their child is a life-changing moment filled with uncertainty, fear, and questions. Melinda Snellbaker knows this feeling...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Betty Rae
A Mother’s Gift: Betty Rae and Pamela’s Trisomy 18 Journey Introduction Life has a way of presenting unexpected turns, but sometimes, those turns lead to the greatest gifts. Betty Rae’s journey with her daughter, Pamela Rae, who was diagnosed with Full Trisomy 18, is...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Amiee Dillingham
A Story of Love, Hope, and Faith: Amiee Dillingham and ClayLynn Mullens Introduction Every trisomy journey is unique, but for Amiee Dillingham, her story with her daughter, ClayLynn Mullens, is one of profound love, faith, and resilience. Unlike most parents who...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Heidi Murphy
Finding Strength Through Love: Heidi Murphy and Sajjona’s Journey Introduction A trisomy diagnosis brings an unexpected journey—one filled with fear, uncertainty, and ultimately, deep love. Heidi Murphy’s story with her daughter, Sajjona Murphy, is a testament to...
SOFT Member Spotlight – Victoria Bakker
A Journey of Strength and Love: Victoria Bakker and Rosemary’s StoryIntroduction A trisomy diagnosis can bring a whirlwind of emotions, uncertainty, and challenges. But for Victoria Bakker, the journey with her daughter, Rosemary, has been one of unwavering love,...