Claire L – Trisomy 13

Claire L – Trisomy 13

We have had a really happy, healthy second year with Claire! She’s been to the beach and is learning to crawl. She loves music, especially Raffi, and is very ticklish. At our 20 week anatomy scan, we were shocked. Our baby’s eyeballs were so underdeveloped, the doctor...
Lillian K – Trisomy 18

Lillian K – Trisomy 18

We make the most of our situation. We laugh through hospital admissions. We sing through the storm. And we love more fiercely than we ever have. All because of one extra chromosome. ‘Trisomy 18.’ ‘Incompatible with life.’ ‘Why would anyone want a baby like that?’ I...
Omar Gonzalez – Trisomy 13

Omar Gonzalez – Trisomy 13

Though this has not been an easy journey, it is one I would pick a million times over, just to meet our sweet boy. My husband and I first learned something was “wrong” when I was about 11 weeks pregnant, with Omar, who has full Trisomy 13. The doctor told me Omar had...