Trisomy 13
La Historia de SOFT
“Los comienzos” La historia de SOFT: Organización de Apoyo para las Trisomías 18, 13 y Trastornos Relacionados. Escrito por Kris Holladay. Recuerdo a…Brandy Woodcox. Nunca olvidaremos su nombre en...
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Newborns with trisomy 13 or 18 can benefit from heart surgery
Republished with permission. Infants with the genetic disorders trisomy 13 or 18 are more likely to survive if they undergo heart surgery, a study from researchers at Stanford and the University of...
2021 SOFT Trisomy Awareness Month Video Blast
Join us for the Trisomy Awareness Month video blast! The Trisomy Awareness Month video blast is coming and we hope you will join us. We are going to blast social media with short 60 second...
Trisomy Awareness Month Products and Tools
March is Trisomy Awareness Month! Trisomy Awareness Month is the time when we share awareness and education of Trisomy conditions, celebrate our children who are beating the odds and remember our...
Trisomy 18 Long-Term Survivors Survey
If your child with Trisomy 18 is or was a long-term survivor (1+ years) please help with this study conducted by the Trisomy 18 Registry.
Claire L – Trisomy 13
We have had a really happy, healthy second year with Claire! She’s been to the beach and is learning to crawl. She loves music, especially Raffi, and is very ticklish. At our 20 week anatomy scan,...
Lillian K – Trisomy 18
We make the most of our situation. We laugh through hospital admissions. We sing through the storm. And we love more fiercely than we ever have. All because of one extra chromosome. ‘Trisomy 18.’...