Trisomy 13
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T13 Families
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Parent-reported histories of adults with trisomy 13 syndrome
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2021 SOFT Run Walk or Roll
SOFT is excited to announce our first virtual Run Walk Roll! Do you want to help spread trisomy awareness? Do you like winning prizes? Do you want to help support an organization that brings you...
2021 SOFT Virtual Conference is July 19 – 25!
The 2021 SOFT Virtual Conference planning is in the final stages and we are very excited to share this event with you. The team has been working hard to make sure our virtual event feels as much...
Covid-19 Vaccination Update for Children with Trisomy
The authorization by the Food & Drug Administration of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12 to 16 years and the strong recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)...
2021 Kari Holladay “SOFT Friends” Video Submission
Submission for the 2021 SOFT Friends Video is now closed. ------------------ ALL CALL for pictures for the SOFT Friends Video We invite you to be a part of the annual Kari Holladay "SOFT Friends"...
Krissy Krotzer – Trisomy 18
"This little girl, who cannot do anything to care for herself, is so filled with love that no matter how much she needs; she still gives far more than she takes. She is a beacon of light. She has...